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All you should know about Bandwidth

Bandwidth can be understood as the speed at which a network communications link transmits data from one point to the other using a computer network in a fraction of time – usually in a second. Bandwidth, which is synonymous with capacity, is essentially the rate of data transfer. However, it should not be misunderstood for the speed of any network – which is a quite a common misconceptions amongst bandwidth users.

Connect Broadband Mohali explains, while the conventional expression of bandwidth is done in bits/second (bps), the rather latest network link have extensive capacities, which are typically expressed in millions of bits transmitted per second (Megabits/second or Mbps). Subsequently, the units of bandwidth can be measured in billions of bits transmitted per second (Gigabits / second or Gbps).

Connect Broadband Connection additionally shares that bandwidth connections can either be symmetrical or asymmetrical. A symmetrical bandwidth connection implies that the capacity of the download and upload are the same. In contrast, an asymmetrical bandwidth connection implies that the downloading and uploading capacities are unequal. In such cases the capacity to upload content is usually lesser than the capacity to download content.

Working of Bandwidth:

According to Connect Broadband Mohali, the greater the bandwidth a data connection will have, the greater amount of data it will be able to receive in one go. Hence, it is not incorrect to compare bandwidth to amount of water flowing through a pipeline. The bigger the volume of the pipe, the larger quantity of water can pass through it each second.

The subscribers of a broadband network are charged based on the speed of the network connections. This implies that the greater the bandwidth, the more expensive the broadband connection is likely to be.

Further, Connect Broadband explains, that the capacity of a network connection is the sole factor impacting the performance of a network. Components such as Packet Loss, Jitter or Latency can prove to be degrading for the network throughout and cause a link having high capacity to perform in a manner similar to the one that has less bandwidth available. A network path usually incorporates varying bandwidth capacities. Owing to this fact, the link that has the least possible bandwidth is considered to be the bottleneck given that the connection that has the lowest bandwidth can cause intrude with the overall bandwidth of the connections that lie in the path.

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